As the movie Control unfolds, it delves into the dark and suspenseful world of political intrigue and personal turmoil. After the mysterious man remotely hijacks Home Secretary Stella Simmons' self-driving car, the situation quickly escalates. Here are some plot details that further unravel the story:

1. The affair is discovered: News of Stella's affair with the Prime Minister is leaked to the media, causing a scandal that threatens to unravel both their careers. As the plot thickens, this revelation adds a layer of tension to her already chaotic situation.

2. The mystery man's motives: It becomes clear that the hijacking of Stella's car was not a random act. The enigmatic figure behind the hijackings has a hidden agenda linked to a larger conspiracy targeting key political figures.

3. High-stakes negotiations: As Stella's car rampages through London, endangering the lives of innocent citizens, law enforcement agencies and the intelligence community are put on high alert. Negotiations with the hijacker become a crucial element, with Stella's life hanging in the balance.

4. A race against time: With law enforcement agencies struggling to regain control of the self-driving car, Stella must utilize her political acumen and personal resilience to try and defuse the situation. As the city descends into chaos, she becomes the unlikely hero in her fight to protect her own life and the lives of those caught in the car's path.

5. Betrayal and hidden allegiances: As the movie progresses, shocking revelations unfold about those closest to Stella. It becomes apparent that some individuals she once trusted may be involved in the conspiracy against her. Deciphering friend from foe becomes imperative for both her survival and the uncovering of the truth.

6. The climax and resolution: The movie reaches a thrilling climax as Stella's car approaches a crucial crossroads. In a nail-biting finale, she must make trust-defining decisions that not only determine her fate but also expose the elaborate web of deceit and corruption that reaches the highest levels of power. The resolution unwraps the consequences and fallout of the events, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

Throughout Control, the movie explores themes of power, corruption, sacrifice, and redemption. It keeps audiences engaged with its intricate plot, unexpected twists, and a compelling portrayal of both political and personal dilemmas.

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