In the film Contamination, a government agent named Tony Aris investigates a series of bizarre deaths in New York City that appear to be caused by a strange alien substance. He enlists the help of a former astronaut, Colonel Grant, who has experience dealing with extraterrestrial life. Together, they discover that the source of the deadly spores is a South American coffee plantation that is being controlled by alien pod clones.

Working with local authorities, including a police detective named Raul, Tony and Grant infiltrate the plantation and discover that the aliens are using the coffee as a way to spread their lethal spores across the world. They engage in a high-stakes battle against the pod clones, using their knowledge and expertise to try and stop the alien threat before it can spread any further. Along the way, they also uncover a plot by a rival alien race to use the spores to wipe out humanity and take over the planet.

The film is a classic example of 1980s sci-fi horror, featuring plenty of suspense, action, and special effects. It has become a cult classic among fans of the genre, thanks to its inventive plot and engaging characters. Despite its relatively low budget, Contamination manages to create a believable and engrossing vision of an alien invasion, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

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