Community Theater Christmas follows the story of a struggling community theater group that desperately needs a state grant to keep their doors open. The grant deadline is quickly approaching, and the theater members must work together to create a new and original Christmas play that will impress the state representatives.

The group is led by the passionate and dedicated theater director, Jane (played by a yet-to-be-cast actress), who is determined to save the theater no matter what it takes. She is joined by a varied cast of characters, including a talented but arrogant leading man, a scatterbrained stage manager, and a set designer who is more interested in creating abstract art than functional sets.

Along the way, the theater group is plagued by mishaps and misfortunes that threaten to derail their efforts. Funding is tight, and they must rely on the community to help finance their project. Technical difficulties also arise, causing delays and forcing the group to work overtime to complete their show.

As the night of the state grant evaluation approaches, tensions run high, and the group begins to doubt if their hard work will pay off. But after a heartwarming performance of their original play, they receive the news they have been waiting for - the grant has been approved, and the theater will be allowed to keep its doors open for another year.

Community Theater Christmas is a heartwarming tale of perseverance, creativity, and the power of community to come together to save a cherished institution. With its uplifting message and relatable characters, this film is sure to be a hit among audiences of all ages.

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