Comes a Horseman is a 1978 Western drama film directed by Alan J. Pakula and starring Jane Fonda, James Caan, Jason Robards, and Richard Farnsworth. The film is set in the early 1940s in Montana and depicts the struggles of a small-time cattle rancher, Ella Connors, who faces foreclosure of her ranch by Jacob Ewing, a wealthy and powerful neighboring rancher, who is also her past lover and now her enemy.

Ella is a strong-willed and independent woman who is determined to keep her ranch and the land she loves. She is reluctant to ask for help, but eventually turns to Frank Athearn, a war veteran and former ranch hand, who also has a score to settle with Ewing.

Together, Ella and Frank work to defy Ewing and his hired thugs, who use unfair tactics to bully their way into taking over the ranch. They face numerous challenges, including cattle rustling, sabotage, and even a stampede that threatens to destroy the entire herd. Along the way, they must also deal with jealousy and misunderstandings between them.

As they fight to protect their land and their way of life, Ella and Frank slowly come to realize that they share a deep connection and a mutual respect for each other. Their growing affection leads them to discover a new kind of love in the midst of adversity.

Comes a Horseman is a powerful and poignant film that explores themes of love, honor, and perseverance in the face of overwhelming odds. Its portrayal of strong and resilient women, played by Jane Fonda and Susan Tyrrell, adds depth and complexity to the story. The film features stunning cinematography and a memorable score by Michael Small, and was nominated for two Academy Awards.

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