Collapse is a gripping and thought-provoking documentary film that explores the life and ideas of Michael Ruppert, a former LAPD narcotics investigator who turned his attention to journalism and became an independent reporter. The film follows Ruppert as he discusses his apocalyptic vision of the future, which he sees as being shaped by a series of interconnected crises in economics, energy, the environment, and other areas.

Ruppert is a fascinating, complex character, and his ideas are both challenging and compelling. He argues that the world is heading towards a catastrophic collapse, and that the root causes of this collapse are related to the way that society is organized and run. He delves into topics such as peak oil, financial corruption, and climate change, and argues that unless we radically change our ways, we are doomed to a bleak and uncertain future.

Throughout the film, Ruppert 's ideas are juxtaposed with footage of contemporary life, from the bustling streets of New York City to the vast stretches of farmland in the American heartland. We see firsthand the impact that issues like climate change and resource depletion are having on the world around us, and it's a sobering reminder of the urgent need for change.

Ultimately, Collapse is a must-watch documentary for anyone interested in understanding the challenges that face our world today. It's a fascinating and illuminating look at one man's vision of the future, and it raises important questions about what we can do to create a more sustainable and equitable world.

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