Coldwater follows the story of a troubled teenage boy named Brad Lunders who is sent to a juvenile reform facility in the wilderness, known as Coldwater. The facility is run by a retired war colonel, Colonel Reichert, who uses severe methods to try and reform the inmates.

As Brad arrives at Coldwater, he is subjected to a harsh and abusive environment where the other inmates are violent and hostile towards him. He quickly realizes that surviving in this place is not going to be easy, and he must find a way to adapt or risk being crushed by the system.

As the story progresses, we learn about the events that led Brad to Coldwater, including his troubled relationship with his father and his involvement in a tragic accident that cost a friend's life.

Despite the many obstacles that stand in his way, Brad refuses to give up and begins to form bonds with other inmates who share his desire for freedom. Together, they hatch a plan to escape the facility and start a new life.

However, their plans are foiled by Colonel Reichert, who is determined to maintain control over the inmates at all costs. Brad finds himself in a deadly game of survival, pitted against the corrupt counselors and the powerful colonel who is willing to go to any lengths to keep the inmates in check.

In the end, Brad's true character is revealed as he fights to survive and stand up against the brutal system that has imprisoned him. Coldwater is a powerful and emotionally-charged film, highlighting the struggles faced by young people in an unforgiving world.

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