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Revolutionizing the Starkadders: Flora's Unconventional Farming Journey

Comedy,Romance,Drama  United Kingdom 

Flora Poste's parents die, leaving her with no money and no means to support herself. In an effort to find a new home, she contacts her relatives, the Starkadders, who live on a dilapidated farm in Sussex. The Starkadders are a strange and eccentric family, each with their own quirks and problems. Flora quickly realizes that they are in dire need of her help and sets out to transform their lives.

First on her agenda is to clean up the farm and its inhabitants. She persuades Aunt Ada Doom, the matriarch of the clan, to come out of her room and face the world. Flora also persuades cousin Seth to stop wasting his time with his awful poems and to instead focus on his carpentry skills. Meanwhile, cousin Elfine, who wants to be an artist, is given the encouragement she needs to follow her dreams.

The family is initially resistant to Flora's meddling, but she slowly gains their trust as she takes on various tasks on the farm. Flora also finds time to make her own love interest, Charles, who lives nearby. However, when Charles proposes to Flora, she rejects him, realizing that she does not love him.

As Flora continues to make changes, a plan for her novel takes shape. She creates a story about the Starkadders and their transformation, which she hopes will inspire others. When the novel is eventually published, it is a great success.

The film ends with Flora leaving the farm, having successfully transformed the Starkadders. They are all grateful for her help and wish her well in the future.


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