Code 8 is set in a dystopian future where a significant percentage of the population possess extraordinary abilities, but they are forced to live in poverty and are discriminated against by the rest of society. The film follows a young man named Connor, who has telekinetic powers but struggles to make ends meet and provide for his sick mother. Desperate for money, Connor starts using his powers to commit minor crimes, but when he gets caught, he is targeted by a militarized police force that is determined to eliminate anyone with special abilities.

Connor meets other people with powers, including a powerful and charismatic man named Garrett, who sees potential in Connor and recruits him to help with a dangerous heist. Together, they attempt to pull off a heist to steal a powerful drug that could cure Connor's mother and potentially give them the financial freedom they need.

As the operation unfolds, Connor realizes that he's become embroiled in a much larger conspiracy involving corrupt officials and a powerful industrialist with his own motives for the superhuman population. With the police hot on their tail, Connor and his allies must use their powers to fight back and expose the truth before it's too late.

Overall, Code 8 is an intense, action-packed adventure that explores themes of societal inequality, discrimination, and the human cost of pursuing power. With strong performances, stunning visual effects, and a thrilling storyline, it's a must-see for fans of science fiction and action films.

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