"Cocaine Bear" is a film based on a true story that occurred in rural Georgia in the 1980s. The tale starts with the drug trafficking activities of a notorious smuggler named Andrew Thornton II. Thornton was a former Green Beret who turned to smuggling drugs into the United States using his skills and military connections.

One day in September 1985, Thornton was flying from Colombia to Tennesse with a load of around 75 pounds of cocaine. However, while flying over Georgia, he met an untimely end, falling to his death from his plane. The drug-laden packages scattered across the town's landscape. One of the packages fell in the forest and landed near a black bear.

Unknowingly, the bear started consuming the cocaine-laced packages, and soon it became an unstoppable wild animal high on cocaine. The drug overdose killed the bear later that same day, and it was discovered hours after Thornton's fall.

The bear's bizarre death became national news, and people began calling it the "Cocaine Bear." The story became widely notorious and soon attracted Hollywood's attention, culminating in a movie adaptation of the incident.

Thornton's death revealed an international drug smuggling network that shocked the authorities. They found out that he was part of a secret organization that included judges, defense lawyers, and other highly influential people.

Another subplot to the story is that Thornton's death is believed to have been caused by his panicked response upon realizing he was being pursued by law enforcement officials. His body was discovered wearing night-vision goggles and a parachute, further adding to the mystery and intrigue.

The movie version of "Cocaine Bear" is expected to have some comedic elements while staying true to the tale's bizarre and intriguing tone. The Cocaine Bear movie will star Elizabeth Banks and will be directed by Phil Lord and Chris Miller.

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