Coastal Elites is a satirical comedy film that explores the lives of five characters as they navigate the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, politics, and culture. The film is set in New York City, and the five characters belong to the elite class who have traditionally held a privileged position in society.

Through their monologues and interactions, viewers witness their struggles with isolation, anxiety, and frustration caused by the pandemic. Additionally, the characters share their thoughts and concerns about the current political climate, social justice movements, and cultural changes in America.

One of the main characters is a retired teacher, played by Bette Midler, who shares her opinions about the current administration and their handling of the pandemic. Another character is a successful actor from Hollywood, played by Sarah Paulson, who grapples with her identity as an actress and her privilege as a member of the Hollywood elite.

The film also explores issues of racism, masculinity, and homophobia through other characters, including a gay writer and a nurse working in a New York hospital. The characters struggle to fit in with the changing society, questioning their own actions and thoughts, leading to feelings of breakdown and confusion.

Coastal Elites is a witty and engaging film that tackles real-life issues with humor and satire. It serves as a mirror to the current society, highlighting the struggles, fears, and hopes of people as they navigate through difficult and uncertain times.

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