Climate of the Hunter is a romantic horror film directed by Mickey Reece. The story revolves around two sisters, Alma (Ginger Gilmartin) and Elizabeth (Mary Buss), who are both in love with the same man, Wes (Ben Hall).

Wes is a mysterious and charming man, but there's something unusual about him that the sisters can't quite put their finger on. As the three spend more time together, strange things start to happen around them. Alma begins to suspect that Wes may be a vampire, but Elizabeth is too infatuated with him to listen to her sister's warnings.

As their love triangle becomes more complicated, Wes's true nature is revealed, and the sisters must decide whether to fight for his love or save themselves from his darkness.

The film is shot in a retro style, with vibrant colors and an eerie score that adds to the unsettling atmosphere. The performances by Gilmartin, Buss, and Hall are captivating, and the tension between them is both romantic and frightening.

Overall, Climate of the Hunter offers a unique take on the vampire genre, blending horror and romance in a way that feels fresh and exciting.

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