Clash Movie Plot

Chaotic Collision: Inside Cairo's Police Truck

Drama,Thriller  Egypt,France 

Clash is a 2016 Egyptian drama film, directed by Mohamed Diab. The movie is set in Cairo, Egypt, in the aftermath of the 2013 Egyptian coup d'état. The film follows a group of detainees from different political and social backgrounds, thrown into a police truck during a chaotic street protest.

The detainees include members of the Muslim Brotherhood, supporters of the ousted president Morsi, and also anti-Morsi activists, journalists, and Christian fundamentalists. As they are transported across the city, tensions rise, and the group becomes increasingly divided over their political beliefs, ultimately leading to violent clashes within the truck.

Outside, the uncertainty and violence of the political unrest rages on, with street battles and military intervention becoming commonplace. The group inside the truck is forced to confront the realities of their conflicting religious and political beliefs and the consequences of their actions in a society in turmoil.

The film has been praised for its raw and realistic portrayal of the political and social tensions in modern-day Egypt. It also addresses issues surrounding police brutality, political repression, and human rights abuses. Clash was the first Egyptian film to be selected for the official competition at the Cannes Film Festival.


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