City of Women is a 1980 Italian comedy-drama film directed by Federico Fellini. The film follows the story of a businessman named Snàporaz (Marcello Mastroianni) who boards a train bound for a business trip when he accidentally lands in a compartment filled with women.

After a series of events, Snàporaz ends up at a hotel called the Grand Hotel Budapest where he finds himself trapped and surrounded by women. He soon discovers that the hotel is a sanctuary for feminist ideologies, and the women who inhabit it are united in their belief in female empowerment.

As Snàporaz navigates his way through the labyrinthine corridors of the hotel, he encounters a wide variety of women who are all eager to teach him about their feminist philosophy. From the virginal maid who is seeking her first sexual experience to the militant feminist who preaches the eradication of men, Snàporaz is confronted with a range of perspectives that challenge his traditional views on gender roles.

As the movie progresses, Snàporaz is increasingly drawn into the world of the women, and he is forced to reckon with the profound changes in his attitudes towards masculinity, femininity, and sexual politics.

Through its biting satire and dreamlike visuals, City of Women provides a bold critique of Italian machismo and patriarchal culture. Fellini's masterpiece is a surreal and unforgettable exploration of gender, power, and the battle of the sexes.

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