City Hall is a 1996 American political thriller film directed by Harold Becker and starring Al Pacino, John Cusack, Bridget Fonda, and Danny Aiello. The movie revolves around the accidental shooting of a young boy in New York City, which sparks an investigation led by the Deputy Mayor, Kevin Calhoun (John Cusack).

As the investigation progresses, Calhoun discovers that the shooting may be linked to a wider political conspiracy involving corruption and mob ties within the city's government and law enforcement agencies. With the help of a journalist (Bridget Fonda) and a retired cop (Danny Aiello), Calhoun digs deeper into the case, putting his own life in danger as he confronts those willing to go to great lengths to keep their secrets hidden.

The film, which received positive reviews upon its release, delves into themes of power, corruption, and morality within the political landscape of New York City. It also touches on the media's role in uncovering and exposing political scandals. Pacino delivers a powerful performance as the Mayor of New York, who has to make difficult decisions while navigating the city's complex political landscape. Ultimately, City Hall serves as a compelling commentary on the state of modern American politics and the challenges faced by those striving to do what is right.

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