Throughout the movie, Fella is constantly mistreated by his stepmother and stepsisters, who force him to do all the household chores and treat him as a servant. Despite his difficult circumstances, Fella remains kind-hearted and optimistic.

As the preparations for the ball continue, Fella's Fairy Godfather helps him by providing him with a magical transformation, turning Fella into a handsome young man. With his new appearance, Fella attends the ball and catches the eye of Princess Charmein, who is charmed by his sincerity and kindness.

Maximilian and Rupert, on the other hand, try to impress the Princess with their wealth and status, but she is uninterested in their superficial qualities. Fella's true self shines through, and he wins the heart of Princess Charmein.

In the end, Fella and Princess Charmein fall in love and live happily ever after. Fella also reconciles with his step-family, who realize the error of their ways and treat him with the respect and kindness he deserves. The movie ends with a joyful celebration of Fella's newfound happiness and love.

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