The film Chupacabra Terror is a science fiction horror movie released in 2005. The protagonist of the movie, Dr. Pe単a, is a cryptozoologist who is obsessed with catching the legendary creature, Chupacabra. He finally gets his chance on a remote Caribbean Island when he traps the creature in a cage and decides to smuggle it on board the Regent Queen, a luxury cruise liner that he boards as a guest.

Captain Randolph is the commander of the Regent Queen, and he is initially unaware that Dr. Pe単a has brought the creature on board. However, when the Chupacabra breaks out of the cargo hold, chaos ensues. The movie depicts the creature as a vicious predator that preys on the passengers and crew of the ship, killing them in brutal ways.

As the death toll rises, Dr. Pe単a and Captain Randolph team up to try and stop the Chupacabra. They confront the creature several times, but the animal proves to be too strong and elusive for them to catch.

As the movie progresses, the passengers and crew become increasingly desperate to escape the ship and the Chupacabra. Some try to barricade themselves in their cabins, while others attempt to flee in lifeboats or swim to the safety of nearby islands. The tension builds as the survivors are hunted down one by one by the creature.

In the climactic scene of the movie, Dr. Pe単a and Captain Randolph manage to trap the Chupacabra and kill it, but not before it has caused a significant amount of damage and loss of life aboard the Regent Queen. The survivors are rescued, but they are left traumatized by their ordeal and the realization that the Chupacabra is indeed a real creature that they should fear.

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