Chu and Blossom is a 2014 comedy-drama film directed by Charles Chu and Gavin Kelly. It follows the story of the titular characters, Chu (Ryan O'Nan) and Blossom (Charles Chu), who get trapped in a small Southern town after their car breaks down. Chu is a militant performance artist from New York City, while Blossom is a tall Korean foreign-exchange student studying in America.

As Chu and Blossom navigate their way through the town, they encounter a diverse group of locals, including a pastor, a group of bikers, and a motel owner. Chu sees this as an opportunity to showcase his performance art, while Blossom struggles to find her place in this new environment.

As the two characters face challenges in their personal lives, they begin to develop a close bond and learn from each other. Chu learns to appreciate the value of community and personal relationships, while Blossom gains confidence in her own identity as a Korean-American.

Chu and Blossom is a heartwarming and humorous coming-of-age story that explores themes of identity, culture, and self-discovery.

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