The movie Christmas with the Campbells follows Jesse, a young woman who has just been dumped by her boyfriend Shawn right before the holidays. Devastated by the breakup, Jesse is ready to spend Christmas alone, but Shawn's parents, who have grown fond of Jesse during her relationship with their son, do not want her to be alone during the holidays. They convince Jesse to spend Christmas with them, and also introduce her to Shawn's cousin Will, who is in town visiting for the holidays.

Initially, Jesse is hesitant to spend time with Will, as she is still heartbroken over Shawn. However, as the two spend more time together, they begin to bond over their shared love of Christmas and their similar interests. Will is also a talented cook and baker, and he and Jesse spend a lot of time in the kitchen together, creating delicious holiday treats.

As the days pass, Jesse begins to realize that she may have feelings for Will, but she is still unsure if she is ready to start a new relationship so soon after her breakup with Shawn. Meanwhile, Shawn returns home unexpectedly, causing Jesse to feel even more confused about her feelings.

In the end, Jesse is forced to make a decision about her love life, and she must choose between Shawn and Will. The movie culminates in a romantic Christmas proposal, leaving audiences feeling warm and fuzzy inside.

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