The movie Christmas Vacation 2: Cousin Eddie's Island Adventure is a comedy film released in 2003. It is a sequel to the famous 1989 holiday comedy film, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, which starred Chevy Chase and Beverly D'Angelo.

This movie revolves around the character of Eddie Johnson, who is played by Randy Quaid. Eddie is a lovable loser who has been fired from his job right before Christmas. However, his boss, Mr. Shirley, offers him a free trip to a tropical island called the "Coral Sea Resort" in the hope that Eddie will not sue him after being bitten by a lab monkey at work.

Eddie decides to take his entire family along with him on this trip. His wife Catherine (Miriam Flynn), daughter Audrey (Dana Barron), and son-in-law Todd (Jake Thomas) are all excited about the vacation, but when they get to the resort, they find out that it is not what they expected. Eddie and his family find themselves stranded on a deserted island, with no way to get off.

Despite the situation, Eddie remains optimistic and decides to make the best of the situation. He uses his resourceful skills to provide for his family and keep their spirits up. The movie follows the family's adventures on the island as they try to survive and find a way off.

Along the way, they encounter some interesting characters, including a group of tourists who are also stuck on the island, a beautiful native girl named Muka Laka Miki (Sung Hi Lee), and a crazed lab monkey.

In the end, Eddie proves himself to be a true hero and a real man by taking charge of the situation and protecting his family. The movie is a heartwarming and hilarious adventure that shows the importance of family, love, and resilience. It is a fun holiday movie that fans of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation will surely enjoy.

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