The movie Christmas Tree Lane follows Meg, a music store owner who is determined to save her community's beloved shopping district from demolition. Meg loves the Christmas season and all the traditions she shares with her neighbors on Christmas Tree Lane. When she learns that a developer plans to tear down the shops and replace them with condos, she rallies the community to fight back.

While Meg is busy organizing protests and petitions, she meets Nate, a kind and charming man who recently moved to town. Nate is also passionate about saving Christmas Tree Lane, and he and Meg quickly become close friends. Meg is drawn to Nate and begins to see him as more than just a friend, but she's hesitant to act on her feelings.

As Meg and Nate work together to save their community, Meg discovers something surprising: Nate is actually working for the developer. Nate's job is to convince the owners to sell their shops willingly so that the developer doesn't have to use eminent domain to take over the property. Meg is devastated by the news and feels like she's been betrayed.

Despite their differences, Meg and Nate continue to work on the project together, hoping to find a compromise that will save the shops while still allowing the developer to make a profit. As they spend more time together, Meg begins to see another side of Nate and starts to realize that he may be more than just a pawn for the developer.

In the end, Meg and Nate are able to save Christmas Tree Lane, and they even find love in the process. The community comes together for a big holiday celebration, and Meg and Nate kiss under the twinkling lights of the Christmas trees. It's a heartwarming story about the power of community, love, and the holiday spirit.

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