After a bad break up with her ex-boyfriend just before the Christmas holidays, best-selling author, Rachel, has become a cynic towards anything related to Christmas. She avoids attending any festivities and boycotts the holiday season. She even goes out of town for the entire month of December to forget about the winter festivities altogether.

One day, while browsing the internet, Rachel stumbles upon a website called "Christmas Lovers Anonymous" where people who are passionate about the holiday season can share their experiences and connect with one another. At first, she is cynical about this group of individuals who are obsessed with Christmas year-round, but as she reads on, she realizes that these people are genuinely happy and spread compassion and love through their shared love for Christmas.

After some thought, Rachel decides to join the group under a false name and shares her experiences of heartbreak and isolation during the holiday season. To her surprise, she receives tremendous amounts of support and love from her fellow "Christmas Lovers Anonymous" members. She realizes that she was not alone and that it is okay to love Christmas despite her past experiences.

Rachel eventually decides to attend the group's Christmas party, where she meets a man who is equally passionate about the holiday season. They strike up a conversation, and before long, their shared enthusiasm for all things Christmas leads to a deep connection and love between them.

Through her experience with "Christmas Lovers Anonymous," Rachel not only finds love but also discovers the true meaning of Christmas - compassion, love, and togetherness. She learns to embrace the spirit of the season, and it leads to a joyous and fulfilling life.

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