Christmas Crush is a romantic comedy that premiered in 2019. The story follows Addie, a holiday lover who lives next door to two single men, Sam and Pete. On Christmas Eve, Addie wishes for Sam to fall in love with her. However, the wish goes wrong, and Pete falls in love with her instead.

Pete begins showering Addie with gifts and romantic gestures, but she realizes that she doesn't reciprocate his feelings. With Sam's help, Addie tries to break the spell and redirect Pete's affections. Along the way, she must navigate her feelings for both Sam and Pete, as well as her own holiday obsession.

The movie combines classic Christmas themes with a lighthearted romantic storyline. It features well-known Canadian actors Cindy Sampson, Robin Dunne, and Chris Violette. The film was directed by Marita Grabiak, who has also directed TV movies such as The Christmas Heart and Christmas Under Wraps. Christmas Crush was released on Lifetime and can be streamed online.

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