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Christmas Miracle: Surviving the Crash and the Wolves

Drama  Canada 

The husband, Frank, is a workaholic and has been neglecting his family. His wife, Susan, is unhappy and feels like their marriage is falling apart. Their 10-year-old daughter, Emily, is aware of the tension between her parents and tries to keep the peace. Their 6-year-old daughter, Lily, is too young to understand what's going on.

Frank decides to take his family on a Christmas vacation to a lodge in the woods, hoping to reconnect with them. However, even on their vacation, he's constantly on his phone, dealing with business matters. Susan is frustrated and feels like she's been left alone while Frank is consumed by work.

One day, Frank decides to take Susan on a light plane flight to a cabin across the lake. It's a beautiful day, and Susan is excited to get away from the lodge for a while. However, during the flight, the plane suddenly loses altitude, and Frank is forced to make an emergency landing in the lake.

After the crash, Frank is more seriously injured than Susan. With her help, they manage to get to shore and set out to find help. They soon realize that they're lost and have no idea how to get back to civilization. They come across a series of obstacles, including a steep ridge that they have to climb, and a pack of rogue wolves that attack them in the middle of the night.

Back at the lodge, Emily and Lily are worried about their parents, who haven't returned from their flight. The lodge manager contacts the authorities, and a search party is dispatched to find them. Meanwhile, Frank's business partner, who has been trying to convince him to sell the company to raiders, assumes that Frank is dead and starts to make moves to sell the company behind his back.

When the search party finally locates Frank and Susan, they're both severely injured and on the brink of death. They're airlifted to a nearby hospital, where they spend several weeks recovering from their injuries. The FAA investigates the plane crash and eventually concludes that it was caused by mechanical problems, and not pilot error.

During their recovery, Frank and Susan have a chance to reflect on their marriage and the mistakes they've made. They realize that they've been taking each other for granted and that they need to work on their relationship if they want to stay together. With the help of a therapist, they start to communicate better and work through their issues.

The movie ends on a hopeful note, with Frank and Susan renewing their vows and promising to put their family first from now on. Emily and Lily are thrilled to see their parents back together and happy, and the family heads home, grateful for the second chance they've been given.

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