China Girl is a 1987 romantic crime drama directed by Abel Ferrara. It portrays the story of a young couple in New York's Little Italy and Chinatown, where they both live. Tony is an Italian-American, while Tya-Hwa is a Chinese-American. They fall in love and try to make a life together, but their different cultural backgrounds and the conflict between their two communities make it difficult.

The movie explores themes of racial and cultural tension, class divides, and the struggle for power in a city where different groups compete for control. Tony's father is a powerful mafia boss in Little Italy, while Tya-Hwa's father is a wealthy businessman in Chinatown.

As Tony and Tya-Hwa's relationship becomes more serious, they become caught up in the conflict between their families and communities. Tony's father sees Tya-Hwa as a threat to his control over the neighborhood, and he and his mafia associates begin to target Tya-Hwa and her family.

The tension between the two groups comes to a head in a climactic scene where violence erupts between the Italians and the Chinese. Tony and Tya-Hwa must fight to stay together amidst the chaos and danger.

China Girl received mixed reviews upon its release but is notable for its exploration of interracial relationships and the complexity of cultural identities in America.

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