Chimpanzee is a 2012 DisneyNature documentary film that follows the life of a young chimp named Oscar and his family, who live in the jungles of the Ivory Coast and Ugandan rain forests. The film is narrated by Tim Allen and directed by Alastair Fothergill and Mark Linfield.

The documentary captures the daily struggles and triumphs of a family of chimps, including Oscar's mother, Isha, and the dominant male, Freddy. Through stunning cinematography, the film reveals the intricate social hierarchy and intelligence of chimps, showcasing their ability to use tools, hunt for food, and communicate with one another through various vocalizations and gestures.

The focus of the film is on Oscar's coming-of-age story, as he learns the skills he needs to survive and thrive in the wilderness. The young chimp faces challenges such as finding food, avoiding predators, and dealing with rival chimpanzees. But with the help of his loving mother, Isha, and the support of his family, Oscar learns to navigate the complex world of the rainforest and eventually rises to become a leader in his own right.

Chimpanzee offers a rare and intimate look at the lives of these fascinating primates, highlighting their similarities to humans and the importance of preserving their natural habitats. The film also emphasizes the crucial role that conservation efforts play in protecting these endangered species.

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