Children's Play is a French psychological thriller directed by Laurent Tuel and written by Fabrice Roger-Lacan. The movie stars Anne Marivin as Marianne and Thibault Vinçon as Jacques. The story revolves around the young couple and their two children who are living a happy life in their Parisian apartment until they receive an unexpected visit from two strangers, Mr and Mrs Worms.

At first, Marianne is hesitant to let the Worms take a look around their apartment, but eventually, she agrees. However, as soon as the Worms leave, strange things begin to happen. The power goes off, strange noises are heard, and objects move on their own. Marianne soon begins to feel that the Worms are not who they claim to be and that they have some sinister motive for visiting.

As Marianne tries to uncover the truth about the Worms, she finds herself drawn into a dark and dangerous game that threatens to destroy her family. The movie is a gripping psychological thriller that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats until the very end. The performances of the lead actors are strong, and the direction is taut, creating a tense and claustrophobic atmosphere that intensifies the suspense.

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