Cheri is a 2009 film directed by Stephen Frears and adapted from the novel of the same name by French writer Colette. The film stars Michelle Pfeiffer as Lea de Lonval, a retired courtesan who had a six-year affair with young and charming Fred Peloux (Cheri), played by Rupert Friend. The story follows their relationship as Cheri, who has never had to work for anything in his life, becomes bored with his current situation and decides to marry a young girl, despite his love for Lea.

The film is a sumptuous period piece set in the late 19th century, during the Belle Epoque in France, a time of unprecedented prosperity and social decadence. The setting, the costumes, and the music all contribute to the film's visual richness, depicting a lavish and opulent world of the rich and famous in Paris.

The film explores themes of love, passion, aging, and social status, as Lea struggles with the realization that she is getting older and must say goodbye to her life as a courtesan, while also trying to come to terms with the fact that she has fallen in love with a much younger man. Cheri, on the other hand, is faced with the challenges of growing up and taking responsibility for his own life, while also dealing with the consequences of his actions and decisions.

Overall, Cheri is a beautifully crafted film that offers a glimpse into a fascinating era in European history, while also delving into complex human emotions and relationships.

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