Checkered Ninja is a Danish animated movie that follows the story of a possessed ninja doll that has been passed down through generations of Danish families. The doll was created by a skilled craftsman, whose wife had been killed by ninjas, and as he sought out revenge, he imbued the doll with his vendetta.

The doll eventually ends up in the hands of Alex, a teenage boy who is struggling with bullies at school and the death of his father. Alex soon discovers the doll's dark secret and, with its help, sets out to avenge the murder of a poor child factory worker who is the same age as he is.

The ninja doll is brought to life through Alex's imagination, and together they embark on a mission to take down a corrupt businessman who exploits child labor in his factories. The movie is a wild, action-packed adventure that blends humor, heart, and a sharp sense of social justice. As Alex and the Checkered Ninja take on a society that is stacked against them, the film presents a powerful message about the importance of fighting for what's right and the power of unlikely allies.

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