Chat is a drama-thriller movie directed by Boris Wexler and released in 2014. The film follows the story of a father named Richard who is suffering from severe photophobia, a condition that makes him extremely sensitive to light. His daughter, Emma, goes missing after getting involved in the world of cybersex chat on the internet, and Richard is determined to find her.

Richard begins his search online, where he discovers that his daughter has been communicating with complete strangers in the chat rooms. He soon realizes that Emma's virtual life has become a dangerous obsession, and he must navigate the dark and twisted web of cybersex chat to find her before it's too late.

As Richard delves deeper into the world of cybersex chat, he encounters a cast of characters, including a cyber-pimp and a cyber-killer, who are determined to keep him from finding his daughter. Along the way, Richard uncovers dark secrets and shocking revelations about his family and society as a whole, leading him on a dangerous journey that threatens to destroy him.

Chat is an intense and gripping film that explores the dangers of the internet and the corrupting power of technology. The movie highlights the consequences of becoming too involved in the virtual world and the risks of cybersex chat, which can often lead to tragic outcomes. The film features strong performances from its cast, including Marielle de Rocca-Serra as Emma and Cyril Descours as Richard. Overall, Chat is a thought-provoking and compelling thriller that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats until the very end.

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