Chasing the Moon is a three-part documentary series by PBS that chronicles the United States' journey to put a man on the moon. The documentary uses archival footage, first-hand accounts from Apollo astronauts and NASA personnel, and interviews with historians to provide a comprehensive look at the space race.

The first part of the documentary covers the early days of the space race, from the launch of the Soviet Union's Sputnik to President Kennedy's iconic speech challenging the United States to put a man on the moon by the end of the 1960s. It also explores the political motivations behind the Apollo program, including the Cold War rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union.

The second part delves into the technical challenges that had to be overcome to achieve the moon landing, from developing the necessary technology to training the astronauts. The documentary also explores the role of the media in shaping public perception of the space program.

The final part of the documentary focuses on the Apollo 11 mission itself, presenting a minute-by-minute account of the historic moon landing. It also examines the impact of the moon landing on American society and the world, including the environmental movement and the rise of the counterculture.

Overall, Chasing the Moon provides a compelling look at one of humanity's greatest achievements, while also shedding light on the complex political, social, and scientific factors that made it possible.

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