Chasing Ice is a documentary film directed by Jeff Orlowski and released in 2012. The film documents the journey of National Geographic photographer James Balog as he sets out to capture the effects of climate change on glaciers around the world. Balog's project, called the Extreme Ice Survey, involved installing time-lapse cameras in remote parts of Alaska, Greenland, Iceland, and Montana to capture images of melting glaciers.

The film follows Balog and his team as they endure harsh weather conditions and difficult terrain to install the cameras. The footage captured by the cameras is stunning and sobering, showing the drastic changes that have occurred in just a few years. The documentary also includes interviews with scientists and experts who explain the science behind climate change and its impact on the Earth's ecosystems.

One of the most memorable scenes in the film is the collapse of the Ilulissat Glacier in Greenland, which was captured on camera and went viral on the internet. The footage of the massive glacier breaking apart and falling into the ocean is a stark reminder of the urgency of the issue of climate change.

Chasing Ice was widely praised for its stunning cinematography, compelling storytelling, and important message about the urgency of addressing climate change. The film was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Song and won numerous awards at film festivals around the world.

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