Char Man is a horror film directed by Kurt Ela and Kipp Tribble. The story revolves around two friends, Dylan and Michael, who visit Ojai, California after a devastating wildfire to shoot a fake documentary about the Ojai Vampire. However, when they arrive, they realize that the legend they were planning to cover isn't as popular as they thought it would be.

While looking for a new story, they stumble upon the legend of the Char Man, a creature that allegedly lurks in the woods around Ojai. As they delve deeper into the story, they start to experience strange and terrifying occurrences that make them wonder if the legend is real.

As Dylan and Michael continue to investigate, they come across a mysterious woman who warns them about the danger of the Char Man. But the closer they get to the truth, the more they realize that their own lives are in danger.

The film's tension builds up slowly, leaving the audience on edge as they discover the dark secrets hiding in the woods around Ojai. The performances of the two leads, played by Jeff Kober and Kurt Ela, are excellent, making the audience invest in their journey and fear for their safety.

Overall, Char Man is a well-crafted horror film that takes the audience on a terrifying journey into the unknown. It's a must-watch for horror fans who love suspense, jump scares, and a good story.

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