Cecil B. Demented is a 2000 comedy film written and directed by legendary filmmaker John Waters. It stars Melanie Griffith as the A-list actress, Honey Whitlock, who is kidnapped by the titular character, a cult film director played by Stephen Dorff.

Cecil and his "Sprocket Holes" crew are a group of outsider filmmakers who are sick of Hollywood and its cookie-cutter movies. They believe in guerrilla filmmaking and are willing to go to extreme lengths to make their art. When they kidnap Honey, they know they have the perfect actress to star in their latest film, titled "Raving Beauty."

Honey, at first, is reluctant to participate, but soon she finds herself swept up in Cecil's crazy world. He makes her cut her hair, get tattoos, and wear outrageous costumes. Together, they become a team, fighting against corporate Hollywood and making a film on their own terms.

The group travels to different locations in Baltimore, filming their movie while being chased by the police and Honey's agent. Along the way, they encounter other misfits who join their cause, including a radical transgender woman, a porn star, and a drug-addicted cameraman.

Cecil B. Demented is an homage to the punk rock movement and independent filmmaking. It's a movie that celebrates the outsider and the rebel, and it skewers the Hollywood machine with razor-sharp satire. It features an excellent cast, including Alicia Witt, Adrian Grenier, and Maggie Gyllenhaal, and it's a must-see for fans of John Waters and independent cinema.

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