In the first story, "Quitters Inc.," a man named Dick Morrison seeks help from a bizarre company that promises to help him quit smoking. However, the company's methods involve threatening and punishing his loved ones if he relapses, leading to increasingly terrifying consequences.

In the second story, "The Ledge," a wealthy man named Cressner confronts his wife's lover, Johnny, and forces him to walk along the narrow ledge around his high-rise apartment. As Johnny struggles to stay alive, he uncovers a sinister plot involving Cressner's past misdeeds and his own motivations for pursuing Johnny.

In the third story, "The General," a family cat named General begins to act strangely, leading his owner Amanda to believe that he is protecting her from an evil gnome who is trying to kill her. As Amanda tries to convince her husband and friends of the gnome's existence, she must also contend with the possibility that she is losing her grip on reality.

Throughout each story, the cat known as "General" appears, sometimes playing an active role in the plot and sometimes simply observing from a distance. The cat's ultimate fate ties together the three stories in a shocking twist ending.

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