Catherine Called Birdy is a young adult novel by Karen Cushman that was adapted into a movie in 1998. The story is set in medieval England, and the protagonist is Catherine, a 14-year-old girl who is coming of age in a society where women have little say in their lives.

Catherine is the daughter of a minor lord, and her father is determined to arrange a marriage for her that will benefit his own political ambitions. Catherine, however, is not interested in being married off to some old man she doesn't know. She wants to be free to make her own choices.

The novel is written in the form of a diary, with Catherine recording her thoughts and observations over the course of a year. She writes about her daily life, her interactions with the other members of her household, and her attempts to avoid the suitors her father keeps sending her way.

Catherine is a spirited and strong-willed character, and her diary entries are filled with wit, humor, and insight. She is also a bit of a rebel, frequently challenging the expectations placed on her as a young woman in medieval England.

Throughout the novel, Catherine learns about love, friendship, and loyalty. She also begins to understand that her father's ambitions are not always aligned with her own desires.

In the end, Catherine finds a way to assert her independence and forge her own path in life, despite the constraints placed on her by society. The novel is a coming-of-age story that speaks to the challenges faced by young women throughout history.

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