Cat Run is a 2011 action-comedy film directed by John Stockwell. The movie revolves around a young escort girl named Catalina Rona (played by Paz Vega) who holds evidence of a government scandal involving a senator (Christopher McDonald). Two young detectives, Anthony (Scott Mechlowicz) and Julian (Alphonso McAuley), discover that their boss is involved in the scandal and try to protect Catalina as she attempts to flee the city.

Their journey takes them through the streets of a bright and colorful European city, where they encounter several eccentric characters and get caught up in shootouts, car chases, and explosions. As they try to stay one step ahead of both the assassin and the corrupt government officials, they also develop a bond with Catalina and each other.

Along the way, they also encounter a pair of disfigured hitmen (played by Karel Roden and Tony Curran), who are pursuing Catalina and will stop at nothing to silence her. The detectives must use their wit and resourcefulness to outsmart the hitmen and protect Catalina until they can expose the truth.

Cat Run received mixed reviews from critics, with some praising the film's action sequences and humor, while others felt it relied too heavily on clichés and stereotypes. Nevertheless, it remains a fun and entertaining movie, full of twists, turns, and unexpected moments.

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