Casper's Haunted Christmas is a 2000 animated film directed by Owen Hurley. The film follows the story of Casper, a friendly ghost who is tasked by his boss, Kibosh, to scare someone before Christmas Day. Since Casper is known for being too friendly and kind to scare anyone, his bosses give him an ultimatum to finish his mission, or he will lose his powers forever.

Casper decides to visit Kriss, Massachusetts, where he meets the Jollimore family. He befriends Holly Jollimore, a young girl who is upset that her father isn't able to come home for Christmas. Casper tries to scare Holly's mom and brother, but his attempts backfire, causing them to laugh instead.

Meanwhile, The Ghostly Trio, Casper's uncles who also work for Kibosh, become frustrated with Casper's inability to scare anyone. They secretly hire Casper's mischievous cousin, Spooky, to help him complete his mission. Spooky is the complete opposite of Casper, and he successfully scares the townsfolk.

However, Casper discovers the ruse and confronts his uncles, who reveal that Kibosh was planning on taking away their afterlife holiday time if Casper failed in his mission. Casper then decides to team up with Holly to bring the spirit of Christmas to Kriss, Massachusetts, and performs a heartwarming musical number.

Casper's Haunted Christmas is a fun and heartwarming holiday movie that is perfect for the whole family. It includes iconic characters from the Casper franchise, like The Ghostly Trio and Casper's cousin, Spooky. The film also features original songs and beautiful animation that captures the Christmas spirit perfectly.

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