Capsized: Blood in the Water is a survival-thriller movie released in 2019 and directed by Roel Reiné. The movie is based on the harrowing true story of the October 1982 shark encounter that involved the crew of the sailboat, the Trashman. The crew comprised of five men, namely John Lippoth (played by Josh Duhamel), Brad Cavanagh (played by Josh Hutcherson), Dan Forsythe (played by Beau Garrett), James Kretschmer (played by Mike Maronna), and Steven Forsythe (played by Steven Brand).

The movie opens with the sailboat, Trashman, leaving Freeport, Texas, for Fort Lauderdale, Florida, with a cargo of beer. The crew is excited about the trip and looks forward to a fun-filled journey. However, things take a turn for the worse when they encounter an unexpected storm that capsizes their boat and leaves them floating in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

As the crew struggle to survive, they realize that they are not alone in the water. A group of tiger sharks begins to circle them, and it becomes apparent that they are being targeted by the predators. With the hope of rescue dwindling and no communication means, the crew must do everything in their power to survive as the sharks continue to hunt them. The crew members go through unimaginable hardships, including dehydration, hypothermia, and shark attacks. They stick together and show exceptional teamwork, courage, and resilience to stay alive.

The movie showcases the harrowing ordeal of the Trashman crew as well as the courage and strength of the human spirit to overcome adversity. Capsized: Blood in the Water has a runtime of 97 minutes, and its supporting cast includes Tyler Blackburn, Rebekah Graf, and Dee Wallace. The movie is available on streaming platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu.

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