Can of Worms is a 1999 science fiction comedy film directed by Paul Schneider and produced by Disney Channel. The movie follows 13-year-old Mike Pillsbury, who decides to send a message to extraterrestrial life while communicating with an online chat room friend named Ty, who shares his interest in outer space.

Mike broadcasts the message into space using his homemade radio equipment one night, unaware that it will have consequences. Soon enough, he is visited by strange space creatures who go by the name of Scaldor, who has arrived to Earth with ten other representatives. They contact him using his walkie-talkie and reveal that they have received his message and traveled an enormous distance to meet him.

The aliens tell him that this was a mistake, as they consider it to be an invitation to invade Earth. However, Scaldor appears to be friendly and not malicious in any way. Mike is confused and astounded by their appearance, as well as their ability to communicate with him through his walkie-talkie, as they are able to read people's minds.

The extraterrestrial beings soon become very interested in the intricacies of human behavior and emotions, more specifically love. Mike decides to use this opportunity to discover more about love and if it is truly an emotion that can cross the universe and meet someone across the stars. He requests the aliens to get a human girl named Angela, whom he has a crush on, to come and meet him.

Later, Angela arrives, unaware of what is happening. Mike introduces her to the aliens, who are fascinated with her and her emotions. They eventually bring her to their spaceship, where they reveal that their planet was once caught up in a state of continual war and they are searching for a means to win the battle.

The movie explores themes of unrequited love, friendship and bravery. Can of Worms is generally well-received by audiences thanks to its charming humor, likable cast and simple but satisfying story.

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