Ca$h (2010) is a crime thriller movie directed by Stephen Milburn Anderson. The movie revolves around a young couple named Sam Phelan (Chris Hemsworth) and Leslie Phelan (Victoria Profeta), who find a lost briefcase with a huge sum of money. They decide to keep the money and spend it on their long-awaited dream home. However, their decision turns out to be fatal when they are approached by a cunning criminal named Pyke Kubic (Sean Bean) who wants his money back.

Pyke blackmails the couple and forces them to perform a series of dangerous tasks that involve tricking several people to exchange the marked bills. Sam and Leslie soon find themselves pulled into an intricate web of deception and violence that puts their lives on the line. The situation gets more complicated when it is revealed that Pyke is not the only one after the money.

As the story unfolds, the couple's moral and ethical values are put to the test as they face life-changing decisions. The movie also explores the themes of greed, power, and the corrupting influence of money. The fast-paced plot keeps the audience engaged, and the suspenseful ending leaves a lasting impact.

Overall, Ca$h is a thrilling crime movie that showcases the talent of its lead actors and presents a unique take on the consequences of a stroke of good luck gone wrong.

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