Butterfly Kisses is a found footage horror film that centers around a filmmaker named Gavin York who discovers a box of tapes depicting a project undertaken by two college students in the late '90s. The project was about a local legend named The Peeping Tom, who was said to be a ghostly figure that would watch people through their windows at night.

Intrigued by the project, Gavin sets out to make a documentary about the legend of The Peeping Tom, but as he delves deeper into the story, he begins to lose himself and his grip on reality. As Gavin becomes more obsessed with proving the legend is true, he starts to alienate the film crew that follows him and risks everything to finish the project.

The film is told through two different types of found footage: footage from the original student project and Gavin's own footage as he documents his journey to uncover the truth behind The Peeping Tom. Throughout the film, there are hints and clues that suggest that there may be more to the legend than meets the eye, and it becomes unclear whether Gavin is pursuing a worthy story or simply losing his mind.

In the end, Butterfly Kisses is a chilling tale of obsession and the dangers of delving too deeply into things that should be left alone. The ending leaves the audience questioning what they've just witnessed and whether what they see is the truth or simply a figment of Gavin's imagination.

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