
Drama  United States of America 

Butter is a dark comedy-drama film directed by Jim Field Smith. The film follows the story of a morbidly obese teenager known as Butter, who is continuously humiliated and bullied by his peers because of his weight. Butter is so lonely and depressed that the idea of ending his life seems like the only way out.

One day, Butter comes up with an idea that grabs the attention of his high school classmates and the rest of the world. He decides to announce that he will eat himself to death over a live Internet broadcast on Thanksgiving, and everyone is invited to watch. The catch is that he has to eat himself to death in 30 days.

Shortly after the announcement, Butter becomes an overnight sensation. He gains fame and popularity, and his classmates start showing him the attention and respect he craves. Butter now faces a dilemma - does he go through with his plan and end his life, or does he back out and face the consequences of betraying his loyal fans?

As the days go by, Butter finds himself struggling with the pressure of his fame and the love he now has from his peers. Making matters worse, he finds out that his crush, Anna, has feelings for him. Butter must now decide between his love for Anna and his desire to end his life for the world to see.

Butter is a satirical commentary on the current state of society's obsession with fame and our tendency to dehumanize people struggling with obesity, mental health issues, and loneliness. It provides an honest and thought-provoking look into the emotional and psychological effects of bullying and the impact of our actions on others. It stars Jennifer Garner, Ty Burrell, Rob Corddry, and Olivia Wilde.

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