Burning Man is a 2011 Australian drama film written and directed by Jonathan Teplitzky. The film follows the story of Tom Keely, an English chef with a high-end restaurant located on Bondi Beach, who is struggling to cope with the recent breakdown of his marriage and the loss of his young son.

As Tom's personal life spirals out of control, he becomes increasingly reckless and self-destructive, engaging in alcohol and drug abuse and carrying on multiple affairs with a variety of different women. However, through his interactions with these women, Tom slowly begins to confront his inner demons and find a way to put his life back together.

Along the way, we meet his ex-wife Ellie, who is struggling to come to terms with their separation, and their son Oscar, who wants nothing to do with his father after he left the family. Other important women in Tom's life include his girlfriend Sarah, a free-spirited artist who challenges him to think differently about his life, and Irene, a cancer patient who forms an unlikely bond with Tom during her treatment.

Ultimately, Burning Man is a powerful and emotional exploration of grief, loss, and the search for meaning and redemption in the face of personal tragedy. Through its richly drawn characters and intricate plot, the film offers a moving and thought-provoking portrait of one man's journey towards self-discovery and healing.

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