Buried Movie free websites

Entombed: A Race Against Time

Drama,Thriller,Mystery  Spain,United States of America,France 

Buried is a 2010 thriller movie directed by Rodrigo Cortés and stars Ryan Reynolds as the main character, Paul Conroy. The film opens with Paul waking up inside a wooden coffin, buried in the sand somewhere in Iraq. He slowly realizes that he has been kidnapped by a group of insurgents and they have buried him alive as a part of their ransom demands.

As Paul starts to struggle to free himself from the coffin, he discovers that he only has a lighter, a pen, and a cell phone with a rapidly dying battery. The rest of the movie follows Paul's efforts to use his limited resources to try to escape before he runs out of air or the kidnappers demand for ransom runs out.

During the movie, Paul makes several phone calls to different people trying to get help but soon discovers that nobody is willing to help him. He also receives a call from his wife who is in America and expecting their first child. This adds more emotional depth to the story and the viewer is left wondering if Paul will ever see his child or his wife again.

Throughout the film, the claustrophobic setting of the coffin is made to feel even more intense by the sound effects and tight camera angles. The viewer is left feeling just as trapped as Paul and is willing him to survive.

Buried is a unique and intense thriller that manages to captivate the audience with its small-scale setting and strong performance by Ryan Reynolds. It is a must-watch for fans of taut thrillers and psychological horror movies.


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