
Comedy  France 

The two best friends, Will and Nick, are stuck in dead-end jobs and are looking for a way to escape their mundane lives. They stumble upon an online ad for a bachelor party planner in Budapest, and decide to take a chance and start their own business. They have no experience in event planning but are determined to make a success of their new venture.

When they arrive in Budapest, they realize that they have bitten off more than they can chew. They are faced with a demanding client, demanding guests, and a city that is unfamiliar to them. However, they are determined to make the bachelor party a success, and they enlist the help of some locals to help them navigate the city and plan an epic weekend for the groom-to-be.

As they spend more time in Budapest, they begin to fall in love with the city and the people. They also start to uncover some secrets about their client's past and realize that there is more to this bachelor party than they initially thought.

Budapest is a comedy-drama movie that explores friendship, adventure, and finding oneself in unlikely places. It is directed by Xavier Guignard and stars Manu Payet and Jonathan Cohen as Will and Nick, respectively. The movie has received positive reviews for its humor, heart, and depiction of the city of Budapest.

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