Brutus vs César is a French comedy drama that revolves around the conspiracy to assassinate Julius Caesar by Senators Rufus and Cassius. The two senators are tired of living under the despotic rule of Caesar and feel that the only way to liberate Rome is by killing him. However, they soon find out that assassinating the Emperor is easier said than done, as they have to overcome many obstacles and challenges along the way.

One of the biggest challenges they face is convincing other senators to join their cause. Many are afraid of Caesar's wrath and refuse to participate in the plot, while others are skeptical about the feasibility of the plan. To gain support, Rufus and Cassius decide to go undercover and infiltrate Caesar's circle of allies and advisors.

As they dive deeper into the conspiratorial world, they discover that the Emperor is not the only one they have to watch out for. There are rival factions within the senate, and they all have their own agenda. To complicate matters further, they also fall in love with the same woman, who happens to be a spy working for Caesar.

The movie combines elements of action, comedy, and drama to create a unique viewing experience. It has a star-studded cast, including Kev Adams, Thomas VDB, and Marc Jarousseau. The film is directed by Kheiron, who is known for his witty and socially relevant comedies.

Overall, Brutus vs César is a funny, engaging movie that offers an interesting take on one of the most famous conspiracies in history. It's a must-watch for anyone who loves historical dramas with a humorous twist.

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