Brothers by Blood is a crime drama based on the novel "Philadelphia Noir" by Pete Dexter. The movie follows the lives of two cousins, Peter and Michael, who grew up together in the Philadelphia mob under the leadership of their respective fathers. As the years go by, Peter finds himself increasingly disillusioned with the criminal lifestyle that he's been born into, haunted by the memory of his sister's death and struggling to find a way out.

Michael, on the other hand, is determined to climb the ranks of the organization, taking out anyone who stands in his way. When a deal goes wrong and Peter is forced to take the blame, he finds himself at odds with his cousin, who sees him as a liability. Fueled by revenge and a desire for power, Michael sets out to destroy the one person who has always had his back.

As tensions rise between the cousins, their pasts come back to haunt them in unexpected ways. Peter finds solace in the boxing gym where he trains, but even there Michael's presence looms over everything. The two men are bound together by their shared history, but as they face their futures, they must decide whether to stay loyal to each other or to choose their own paths. With exceptional performances from its cast, Brothers by Blood is a gripping and intense crime drama that explores the complex relationships between family, loyalty, and power.

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