Brother Bear is a 2003 American animated movie produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. The story takes place in prehistoric Alaska, where three brothers Kenai, Denahi, and Sitka, live in a village with the rest of their tribe. One day, Kenai, who has a disdain for bears after his oldest brother was killed by one, kills a bear in vengeance. In turn, the spirits, including the Great Spirit, transform Kenai into a bear to teach him a valuable lesson about empathy and compassion.

As a bear, Kenai must learn to live in the forest and understand the nature of the animals that live there. Along the way, he meets and befriends a young bear cub named Koda, who lost his mother and is trying to find his way to the salmon run. Together, they embark on a journey to fulfill their destinies.

Along the way, Kenai and Koda encounter several characters, including two comical moose, Rutt and Tuke, who offer comic relief throughout the film. Additionally, the film includes several musical numbers, including "On My Way" by Phil Collins.

Ultimately, Kenai must confront his past and reconcile with his newfound empathy towards bears to return to his human form and restore balance in his life.

Brother Bear was both a critical and commercial success, grossing over $250 million worldwide and receiving an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature. It is a heartwarming and touching tale of growth, forgiveness, and the importance of empathy towards others.

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