Broken Contact - A Poltergeist Story is a found-footage horror movie that tells the true story of two paranormal investigators, Dan and Sally, who are called to investigate a haunted house shortly after the death of the previous owner. The new owners report strange noises, objects moving on their own, and unexplained cold spots in the house.

Dan and Sally are experienced paranormal investigators and have seen a lot of strange things in their careers. However, this investigation is unlike anything they have ever encountered before. They quickly realize that they are dealing with a powerful and malevolent poltergeist that seems to be attached to the house.

As they continue their investigation, it becomes clear that the poltergeist is not content with simply haunting the house. It begins to follow Dan and Sally home, and soon they are experiencing strange phenomena in their own lives. Doors slam shut, objects move on their own, and they feel a sense of unease wherever they go.

The movie is shot entirely in a found-footage style, with the action being captured through Dan and Sally's cameras and other recording devices. The footage is interspersed with interviews and commentary from the real Dan and Sally, who provide insight into their experiences during the investigation.

Overall, Broken Contact - A Poltergeist Story offers a chilling and suspenseful look at the paranormal world. The movie is sure to appeal to fans of found-footage horror and anyone who has ever questioned the existence of ghosts and poltergeists.

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