The movie Broadcast takes place in a future where the INOC drug has been developed, which enables people to live forever and eliminates death altogether. The eccentric billionaire who created the drug, James Templeton, becomes an instant celebrity as he reveals to the world the secret of his creation. He promises that the drug will be available to anyone who wants it, and it will be affordable to all.

The movie is told through the perspective of a seemingly harmless children's toy called the "Cloud," which allows people to access a virtual world where they can communicate, socialize, and live out their fantasies. The Cloud is a worldwide phenomenon, and everyone has access to it, from the youngest child to the oldest person living.

At first, the world is thrilled with the news of INOC. People celebrate the day they receive their first dose of the miracle drug with parties and parades. At the same time, scientists and doctors try to understand the true implications of the drug, the possible side effects, and how it will impact the world in the long run.

However, as time passes, people start to realize that immortality has its downsides. The world becomes increasingly overcrowded, and resources start to become scarce. The Cloud, which was meant to be a harmless source of entertainment, becomes a tool for people to escape the realities of their endless existence, leading to a new form of addiction.

As the world spirals out of control, the true intention behind James Templeton's creation is revealed. He never intended for the drug to be a way to cure death but instead used it to extend his own life. He becomes the first immortal, forever frozen in time, while the rest of the world crumbles around him.

The film ends on a poignant note, as the true value of mortality is acknowledged. While death may appear to be a burden, it is what gives life its meaning, making each moment that much more valuable.

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